Hey Buds, We are excited to share Katrina’s review and why she chooses to shop at Soul Flower…..”They make it so easy for me! I love the styles, the prices are reasonable and their clothes are eco-friendly. It’s a win-win-win for me, my hubby and the planet.” Read more!

A few weeks ago I saw a groovy pair of non-organic tie-dye pants for sale online from a box store…large, well-known retailer. The price was great, the reviews were good and I decided to order them. I usually buy organic but thought I’d bend the rules for this purchase. A few days later the pants arrived. I opened the box to look at them and saw that they were enclosed in a clear plastic bag. The colors were beautiful and I quickly opened the plastic bag so I could try them on.

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Wham… a strong smell of petroleum and maybe even pesticides hit my nose. I hoped it would dissipate quickly, but no such luck. The room reeked from the pants and I got an instant headache. Also, it turns out that the fabric of the pants was extremely thin and the sizing was way off. Even if they didn’t smell terribly, these pants would not have been right for me.

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I put the pants back into the bag so I could return them and went to the kitchen to eat dinner. About an hour later I went back into the room with the pants and the fumes were still hanging in the air like a heavy cloud. Plus, I still had a headache. The next day I returned them and left a review online for other customers so they wouldn’t make the same mistake I did.

Katrina Pumpkin - Stick with Natural Fibers...

Then I began to wonder about all the people who had been exposed to those toxins. I thought of the people who dyed the fabric, cut it, sewed it and packaged it. How much exposure did they experience during a typical workday? How about the people who were exposed during shipping? And then there are customers who purchase these pants, don’t realize the smells are toxic, and wear them without thinking about it.

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I should have learned my lesson by now. For years it’s been a general practice in our home to buy organic clothing that’s ethically sourced. Sometimes we pay a little more for organic, but in the long run we are supporting a healthier planet, healthier workers and healthier us. We shop for organic, natural fiber clothing that uses low-impact dyes. We also wear recycled and repurposed clothing. This practice makes us feel better in so many ways.

Blog Image Peter Soul Flower - Stick with Natural Fibers...

So… I had a lapse in judgement recently when I saw those “pretty” pants. I consider it a clothing fail, but I learned my lesson (again.) We’re back to purchasing organic cotton clothing and eco friendly apparel. (And that’s one of the reasons why I love Soul Flower. They make it so easy for me! I love the styles, the prices are reasonable and their clothes are eco-friendly. It’s a win-win-win for me, my hubby and the planet.)

Organic clothing for our organic lifestyle! That’s how we roll!

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Katrina’s spouse wore the Wonder and Wander Men’s Recycled T-Shirt

See posts by Katrina

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1 Comment on Stick with Natural Fibers…

  1. Stephanie Meadows
    March 7, 2017 at 3:54 am (8 years ago)

    I love SoulFlower and try to buy as much as I can when I can because Organic for me is essential. The food I consume also. Will you be carrying anymore hemp products? The hemp fabric lasts quite long and it is so sturdy. Thanks! Steph


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