- Page 2 of 9 blogs by Soul Flower Organic Clothing.

Our Threads

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Merkaba Shirt – Sacred Geometry Shirts – Behind the Design

The mysterious Merkaba! I was immediately drawn to this symbol when I first saw it. It reminded me of Egypt, the pyramids and Ancient Aliens (I admit it, I love that show). After doing some research, I realized I wasn’t so far off base. Researching the merkaba inspired me to create the merkaba shirt, one of our cool sacred geometry t-shirts at Soul Flower! (more…)

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Behind the Design: Twisted Trunks

“You know how you scratch away at a lottery ticket to see if you’ve won? That’s what I’m doing when I begin a piece. I’m digging through everything to find something. […] Scratching can look like borrowing or appropriating, but it’s an essential part of creativity. It’s primal, and very private. It’s a way of saying to the gods, ‘Oh, don’t mind me, I’ll just wander around in these back hallways…’ and then grabbing that piece of fire and running like hell.”  -Twyla Tharp (more…)

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Behind the Scenes: Siera + Sophia Photoshoot

There’s a common Shakespeare quote that goes, “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” Best friends, Siera (Soul Flower owners Mike & Peggy’s daughter) and Sophia, who were recently in for a photoshoot, are truly the embodiment of that sentiment. Scroll through these photos to get a feel for their friendship and some sneak peeks at some not-yet-released threads! (more…)

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how to wear mala moss agate 760x570 - How to Wear Mala Beads - Wearing a Mala - Soul Flower

How to Wear Mala Beads – Wearing a Mala – Soul Flower

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Expression from the Inside Out

After six years of searching for the perfect design, I finally got my fifth tattoo.
When I decided I wanted another one, I knew I wanted something beautiful, elegant, unique and fun… like me, right? Hee hee!! I’ve always loved the mehndi designs used for henna tattooing but I’ve never wanted to get henna because I feel it’s too beautiful to be temporary.


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Inspiration for Soul Flower Patches T-Shirt

It’s the circle of life for old t-shirts to be discontinued and new designs to be released. If you haven’t already noticed, a lot of our Soul Flower tees stick around a long time. It’s because you guys love ’em! If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, right?! We retire old designs almost every season to make room for the new ones. But that doesn’t mean they’re retired forever! Once in awhile, we’ll bring back an old design or remix it somehow. The vibes in some of those classics will never die. (more…)

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