There are definitely days when I know nothing but a hoodie is on my wardrobe menu. You know those days, right? The days when you don’t have to (or want to) do anything but chillax and enjoy the simple things. That’s my favorite time for a comfy zip up sweatshirt like my newest edition the sustainable slacker! I have a good assortment of hoodies just for these kind of days… yep, I’m a hoodie hoarder in the biggest of ways!

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The Sustainable Slacker Hoody!

Why the hoodie? What’s the fascination? I’ve thought this through and if I’m being truthful here (and of course I should be), first and foremost it’s just the ease! Yes, one simple teeny tiny itty bitty step makes all the difference. What’s that step? There’s simply no pullin’ over my head!! Oh what a relief! Must be so exhausting! Such a difficult task! Yeah, I know pathetic aye? But on a truest of slacker days, that’s just how it’s gotta be!

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For both guys n gals, cuz we all need to slack off now n then 😉

Second, a hoodie lets you can be noncommittal. Maybe I’m going to wear this all day and maybe I’m not. Maybe I’ll wrap it around my waist on a whim I might want to wear it later. Whatever the case, zip up hoodies are the best decision for the undecided! Third, you can be recognizable or go incognito! Maybe I’ll sorta hide out under a tree beneath the brim of my hoodie and work on my poetry. The three ultimate slacker reasons for my ultimate slacker days.

Why has this particular sweatshirt become a bestie? What’s not to love? It’s got the most rockin’ vibe! The banded wrists and waistline – shall we say circa 78? I like the sweet color mix, a fierce mustardy yellow sun against a heather gray blue sky! Might I also add that the kangaroo pockets are excellent for carrying my ipod, phone, snacks and especially my Soul-Flower lip balm. 🙂 BTW the sustainable slacker is super duper soft, too! Guessing that’s because of  the oh so sustainable fibers – partly recycled polyester (eco-fleece) and organic cotton! So, while I may feel like a complete slacker on my hoodie days, I’m actually making a difference. See! Now we can feel better slackin’ on our slacker day!!

Live long and slack well!

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2 Comments on For the Sustainable Slacker In All of Us

  1. Leiah
    May 3, 2012 at 6:45 pm (12 years ago)

    “…a hoodie lets you can be noncommittal. Maybe I’m going to wear this all day and maybe I’m not.”

    This is so true! During a day, i usually take off and put on my hoody at least a dozen times. So they’re great for people with fluctuating body temps like myself! 🙂

  2. Jacqueline
    May 4, 2012 at 2:53 pm (12 years ago)

    I’ve been addicted to hoodies my whole life! For being incredibly comfy something about them makes me feel like a badass 😉 lol


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