I recently traveled to my hometown in good ole Indiana. It was my second time flying out of the Portland International Airport. I mean, I haven’t been on the West Coast for too long, but it sure is starting to feel like a new ‘home’.

The occasion you ask? Because well…quite frankly, I wouldn’t choose to go back to the Midwest just for anything. 😉 My twin sister got married! I had a great time. The decorating and setting up the place to make it come alive was hard work but the celebration after was totally worth it. With amazing timing, the rained stopped for her to walk down the aisle! Funny how life works like that. My favorite detail was her flowers & party favors…succulents.

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The succulents were decorated all over the tables & (artificial ones) filled the bouquets. Her party favors included tiny, tan tin pails that guests filled with dirt and placed their succulent in. I, however, took my 15 succulents and put them in a box, and took them back home with me to Oregon. You may say “15?! What do you need 15 for? Are you some sort of addict?” My response “Is it really an addiction is you’re aware of your problem?” 😂 I mostly wanted them so I could practice propagating the plants.

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There is a few ways to propagate, or form new baby plants. Propagating succulents can be done from cuttings from a plant or leaves. Usually I start pulling off leaves from the bottom of the succulent before they start to wither and die. After I have a good amount of leaves I place them on dry soil. (I am reusing a plastic salsa container. :D) After a few weeks, roots will start to appear and that is when you know baby succs are on the way!

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“Lets root for each other and watch each other grow” There are not many things in life that bring as much joy as seeing things around you in life grow and blossom into something beautiful and amazing. In my case, seeing my bad ass twin grow up and basically plan out her entire wedding, all the way down to the smaller things like my succulent leaves rooting into small plants! Go to your brother’s soccer games, attend your sister’s graduation, be there for your friends and family on those cheesy, fun holidays. Practice being happy for those around you and cheer them on! Plant a garden or flowers and see how much happiness it brings you. Because sometimes the smaller moments aren’t so little.

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Abbi wore the Enlightened Organic Cotton Leggings

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