manifesto printable watercolor 618x430 - Soul Flower's Manifesto

Soul Flower’s Manifesto

Recently, all us buds here at Soul Flower got together, ate some insanely good pizza and talked about the things that make Soul Flower everything that it is to us. We did a bit of serious reflection, and also had quite a lot of laughs, and what came out of it was a list of almost 150 things that Soul Flower represents to us. Which is a lot! So we took that list and began to narrow it down to a few things that are truly at the heart of Soul Flower, and what came out of it was a poem we now embrace as our very own MANIFESTO! (more…)

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water color 640x430 - Creating Watercolor for our Spring Catalog

Creating Watercolor for our Spring Catalog

Our Spring 2014 Soul Flower catalog is out and rockin’! Like previous catalogs, the creative team here at Soul Flower had a lot of fun putting this one together. Creating a catalog takes a lot of minds, bodies, and hands. Each Soul Flower bud has jobs to do: from curating the collection of products, creating outfits, organizing multiple photoshoots, taking photos, writing descriptions, editing to make sure there are no mistakes, graphic design, printing… All while keeping it funky and fun and totally Soul Flower. (more…)

ajax loader 2x - Creating Watercolor for our Spring Catalog

earth year 640x430 - Celebrating Earth Year

Celebrating Earth Year

Mother Earth appreciates the little things in life. Every little thing we do for her has an affect, and when we appreciate her and treat her with kindness she responds in kind. We nourish her, she nourishes us; we sustain her, she sustains us. It’s a beautiful butterfly effect of sorts, where if we just flap our wings, we can inspire positive change within our world and truly make a difference.


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earth day post 640x430 - Earth Day Tips & Helpful Articles

Earth Day Tips & Helpful Articles

The best thing we can do for Earth Day is to become conscious of our Earth every day. Sometimes it can take small lifestyle changes such as switching to cloth napkins or making homemade, eco-friendly cleaners to really lighten our daily affect on mamma earth. If you’ve been debating making a lifestyle change to benefit both you and the earth, here are some little tips for creating positive change, along with some worthwhile articles to check out for more info!


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spring summer catalog e1424291612712 640x430 - Soul Flower 2014 Spring/Summer Catalog

Soul Flower 2014 Spring/Summer Catalog

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Photo Shoot at Architectural Antiques

This year for our spring/summer catalog we were lucky enough to spend our day shooting photos at the enthralling, easy to get “lost” in, Architectural Antiques in NE Minneapolis. Surrounded by streams of colorful light from the various stained glass windows, and an uncountable amount of antique lighting overhead, we wove our way through the aisles taking numerous photos of our upcoming spring line, which is just as enthralling as the antiques surrounding us! (more…)

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drawing post - Folk Art Design

Folk Art Design

I would consider myself a creative person. In grade school I drew, years later I branched out and tackled sewing, design and embroidery. But with all areas of life there seems to be times of inspiration and times of… well ruts. My creativity seems to be fickle at times, dependent on variables, locations, schedules, and simply inspiration. (more…)

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