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How to Wear a Bandana – Hippie Style!

In honor of festival season, we are bringing back one of our popular posts – how to wear a bandana. If you are wondering how to wear a bandana, let us show you some unique ideas, inspired by 60s hippie style. Try a cool hippie look like the hippie headband, the hippie head scarf or the hippie neck tie! Hippie bandanas are useful, versatile, and come in fun colors and designs. We think bandanas are truly a “cool thread for a kind head.” Read on for some style inspiration on how to wear bandana – hippie style! from your buds at Soul Flower, cool eco threads for kind heads! (more…)

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Spring Habits

That tipping point between the final days of spring and the very cusp of summer is a magical time full of warmth and growth. Longer days, abundant sunshine, and more greenery with each day suggests that it’s also a time of positive change.  (more…)

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Rock climbing takes serious endurance, but to start you just need to face the wall.

My sister and I have had climber’s blood in us since we were born. Our father climbed all the way up the summit of Boundary Peak in Nevada (that’s 13,143 ft.) with two blow up bananas to get a photograph for me, his Hannah Banana, when I was one. And while I inherited my father’s photography skills, my sister took to the mountains with his love of a challenging climb. Last week we headed over to Midwest Mountaineering’s bouldering cave so Josie could climb, and I could sit safely on the ground with my camera.


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How To Stay Young – No Matter Your Age!

May your heart always be joyful. And may your song always be sung. May you stay forever  young.  ~Bob Dylan 

What exactly does it mean to be “forever young”? When I was in my 20s, I thought it meant staying wrinkle-free and doing cartwheels until I was 100. When I was in my 30s, it meant I wouldn’t gain those extra pounds every time I merely looked at a slice of cake, and also remembering exactly where I parked my car. When I was in my 40s,


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