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Cloud Cult Tour Diary #1

Our own graphic designer and illustrator extrodinaire, Ryan, recently hit the road for a tour with the band Cloud Cult. Ryan’s usual job involves running our screenprint shop and creating sweet new designs for Soul Flower. But he also has an unusual job of selling merchandise for Cloud Cult and going on the road with this cool indie band. It makes for some pretty good stories and, lucky for us, he kept a diary on his travels. Check out the first installment right here–


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Shark Bite Tank Tops: Design Inspiration

The tarot line. Blissful, Warrior, or Treehugger: which are you? Three sharkbite tanks, each with a different vibe. They’re not traditional tarot symbols, but if the imagery speaks to you, let it offer inspiration and guidance!

Nearly a year in the making, the design elements in this mini collection of screenprinted shark bite tank tops go way back. Like early-2000s-way-back.

This is a story of inspiration…


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DIY Jewelry Storage – The Natural Way!

Are you looking for a creative and natural way to store your bohemian jewelry? Then try this DIY Jewelry Storage idea from Rachel (our Soul Flower Graphic Artist). Rachel made these unique driftwood jewelry storage pieces for organizing her funky necklaces, bracelets and other Soul Flower boho jewelry. Read on for details on how to make your very own Driftwood Jewelry Storage Rack.


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12 Things to do with Clothes You No Longer Wear

With the current downsizing and minimizing trend, many of us are looking in our closets and wondering if we need all the clothing we own. For various reasons we’ve accumulated a few more items than we truly need. I’ve been going through all my clothing and making two piles. One pile is only for items that I absolutely love and wear. The other pile is for items in the following categories – Don’t fit. Don’t want. Don’t like. Don’t wear. (more…)

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Dr. King

A few days ago my mother and I visited our town’s recently restored Scott Joplin mural and it got me to thinking:  My goodness, we’ve come a long way. Once upon a time blacks were only seen fit to be nothing more than entertainers and servants. Even Scott Joplin, the father of ragtime entertained at places where other blacks weren’t even allowed. That’s just the way things were in the late 1800’s and people were used to it. (more…)

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Logging Off

Happy winter everyone! I had my very first white Christmas. We had a few snow storms in the past few weeks leaving snow and ice all over. Big difference from the beach weather, which I am used to. I am loving the seasons changing so much.  (more…)

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Eco Friendly Gift Wrap – DIY Gift Wrapping

At Soul Flower, we work hard to keep our products and manufacturing eco-friendly always. If you bought a Soul Flower item to give as a gift, we would love nothing more than to keep it eco friendly with eco friendly gift wrap. Did you know that each year, the US alone produces over 333 million square feet of wrapping paper? Whoa! And millions of square feet of that wrapping paper Blog Image ends up in landfills. Ugh! So this year, try to minimize your waste and keep Mother Earth in mind by subbing in recycled paper grocery bags, last year’s gift wrap, or absolutely nothing instead of purchasing new wrapping paper. Do your own DIY gift wrapping and make a difference this holiday season with eco friendly gift wrap!

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How To Find Joy In Life – 10 Ways to Find Joy

The stress can creep in. You don’t know it is happening sometimes. Your attitude changes and before you know it, grumpiness can take over. But there are so many simple things you can do to find JOY in everyday life. We reached out to all of our buds here at Soul Flower and asked how to find joy in life? When we asked “how do you find joy in life every day?” we received a surprising overlap of advice… (more…)

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