Recently, all us buds here at Soul Flower got together, ate some insanely good pizza and talked about the things that make Soul Flower everything that it is to us. We did a bit of serious reflection, and also had quite a lot of laughs, and what came out of it was a list of almost 150 things that Soul Flower represents to us. Which is a lot! So we took that list and began to narrow it down to a few things that are truly at the heart of Soul Flower, and what came out of it was a poem we now embrace as our very own MANIFESTO!
If you flipped over your latest Soul Flower catalog you probably noticed our little doodled manifesto on the back cover, and hopefully you enjoyed it, maybe you even hung it up on your wall? But if you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, here is a printable version for you to enjoy! 🙂
❤ Your soul flower buds