I simply love my alone time!
A few years ago I wrote a blog about how important alone time was to me. And that feeling just gets stronger every day. At this point in my life alone time is imperative and essential to my well being. And I bet many of you reading this right now know exactly what I mean.
As a shy, introverted child, I spent many hours in my room reading, writing and crocheting. I loved solitude and silence. Then, as I grew older, I was taught that socializing was important to moving forward in this world. I learned to be more outgoing and extroverted. I joined groups, attended social functions and felt comfortable when the spotlight was occasionally on me. My calendar was fully packed with places to go and people to see. Some people thought this was my true nature. But, I knew otherwise.
Inside I recognized the voice calling me back to more quietude. It called me back to walks in nature, time reading a book with a cup of tea, journaling, meditating, or watching a movie by myself. It called me back to the stillness that fills my heart and recharges my batteries.
Since leaving my corporate job and becoming a fulltime author, blogger and workshop facilitator, I’m grateful to have much more alone time. I can now balance my socializing with periods of quiet. I feel more happy, content and peaceful knowing I can always unplug and nurture my soul. It’s not that I never socialize… it’s just that I need alone time to stay centered. I have found a balance that works for me.
Thankfully my husband understands and respects this deep need for quiet space because he feels the same way. We often take walks together, breathing in the fresh air, and expressing our gratitude for the time and space we both have to be alone.
It’s my opinion that as a society we diminish the beauty of time spent in solitude. In movies we see the character who lives more reclusively as an outcast. We hear whispers about the person eating dinner alone in a restaurant as being either lonely or unable to make friends. We paint the picture of someone taking a solo vacation as just plain strange. Meanwhile, I’ve done all these things and enjoyed them thoroughly. And I hardly consider myself an outcast, lonely or unable to make friends. Although I really don’t mind if you call me a little strange. If spending time alone makes me strange, I’m okay with that.
For me, alone time is a gift. It allows me to be quiet. And if I have any questions on my mind I can listen for the answers in the stillness. And in this busy world, I think we could all use a little more of that.
So… when’s the last time you gave yourself the gift of some alone time?
It may be just what you need.
Katrina wore the Earth Tree Beaded Necklace, Paisley Organic Bandana, and Tree Organic Flow Pants
July 20, 2016 at 1:04 am (9 years ago)I can’t relate so much !
I love your outfit also !
Katrina Mayer
July 30, 2016 at 12:54 am (9 years ago)Thank you so much, Rebecca! Have a great day!
July 22, 2016 at 11:31 am (9 years ago)Ever since I was a little one, I have loved my “alone-ness”.
Mind you, I once was a New York City girl that loved the lights and glitz and dancing til wee hours … yet who I really was was this ” cloister-like ” girl that actually craved the silence, my own thoughts and my own company.
Even today, as a designer and photo artist, I make it a point to escape in my little piece of heaven to find my peace … to recharge and rejoice !
thank you for your post
Katrina Mayer
July 30, 2016 at 12:55 am (9 years ago)I like that… “to recharge and rejoice!” Thanks, Nancy!
July 23, 2016 at 3:27 am (9 years ago)I love quiet/alone time. I’m happiest when I have a few hours to myself. It’s hard right now with my 9 year old out of school for the Summer. I have fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue, so I do feel like I need some time alone & feel recharged after.
Katrina Mayer
July 30, 2016 at 12:56 am (9 years ago)I hope you some recharging time, Dramaqueensmum. Hugs!