I’ve always had a thing for off-the-shoulder tops. There’s just something mysteriously sexy about them. There’s no cleavage or butt cheeks hanging out shouting hi!!, just some nicely curved shoulders and a sensually accentuated collar bone. Guess what I consider sexy is as simple as that. If I had to pick one word to describe Soul Flower’s My Boyfriend’s Shirt, though, it wouldn’t be sexy; I’d have to settle on cute. And when you combine cute with a mysterious dash of sexy it’s a winning look on any woman. So, for my 27th Birthday I was dead set on wearing My Boyfriend’s Shirt, I even bought it as my birthday gift to myself. Putting it on a birthday list would have required waiting, and relying on my birthday wish seemed wishy-washy. Ironically, I later found out that my boyfriend was going to buy me My Boyfriend’s Shirt as my birthday present – would have made sense, but I want what I want when I want it, I guess.
Other than looking absolutely adorable, the other reason I was instantly drawn to this top is that at one time it was just a typical men’s work shirt, and now, it’s been upcycled into something worthy of the center stage. I’ve always been all about the thrift lifestyle; I strongly believe in reusing what others do not want. Nothing makes me happier than seeing items, that would otherwise go to waste, be reconstructed into something that can once again be freakishly cherished by a girl like me. If that description sounds like you, too, this is the Soul Flower top you’ve been waiting for!
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Who else has a summer birthday? Any big plans? Anything from Soul Flower on YOUR wish list? 🙂
Jacqueline Lee
Grammy Goodwill
July 14, 2011 at 1:41 am (14 years ago)Both my kids have July birthdays. My son will be 33 on July 19. My daughter will be 30 on July 29. Can you tell I was a teacher who depended on summer vacation?
I love that top, by the way. It looks great on you.
Jacky {The Sweetest Petunia}
July 14, 2011 at 12:23 pm (14 years ago)That top looks cute on you! 🙂
July 14, 2011 at 2:38 pm (14 years ago)Thanks Grammy & Jacky for the kind compliments!! And Happy Birthday to your son and daughter! Your daughter has the same birthday as my Bro, he’ll be turning 24, so we’ll both be partying it up that day 🙂
July 27, 2011 at 2:53 pm (14 years ago)So cute, and yes, quite sexy on you Jacqueline. Happy belated Birthday to you! The clothes at Soul Flower are gorgeous. Saw a bracelet that I just might have to put on my birthday wish list. Thanks for the introduction to the clothing line.